Shortcut (Jalan Pintas) dan Fungsinya pada Windows 8

Sebelumnya kami telah menulis tentang cara mempercepat windows 8 dengan clear cache. Tips kali ini masih berkaitan dengan windows 8 dan kecepatan juga. Yaitu Shorcut pada Windows 8. Sebagain besar dari kita mungkin terbiasa menggunakan mouse untuk membantu memilih menu di komputer. Namun sebenarnya windows juga menyediakan cara cepat memilih menu tertentu tanpa menggunakan mouse, cukup dengan menekan tombol atau kombinasi tombol di keyword. Hal ini dikenal dengan sebutan Shortcut. Kalau dialihbahasakan ke Indonesia artinya potong jalan atau jalan pintas. Tapi koq agak ribet malah ya. Mudahnya pake istilah aslinya aja, Shortcut.

Berikut ini beberapa shortcut yang ada di windows 8 berdasarkan data yang kami kutip dari situs resmi Microsoft.

Tombol Keyboard Fungsi Shortcut
Logo Windows [+] DShow Desktop
Logo Windows [+] COpen Charms Menu
Logo Windows [+] FCharms Menu – Search
Logo Windows [+] HCharms Menu – Share
Logo Windows [+] KCharms Menu – Devices
Logo Windows [+] ICharms Menu – Settings
Logo Windows [+] QSearch For Installed Apps
Logo Windows [+] WSearch Settings
Logo Windows [+] TabCycle through open Modern UI Apps
Logo Windows [+] Shift + TabCycle through open Modern UI Apps in reverse order
Logo Windows [+] .Snaps app to the right (split screen multitasking)
Logo Windows [+] Shift + .Snaps app to the left (split screen multitasking)
Logo Windows [+] ,Temporarily view desktop
Alt [+] F4Quit Modern UI Apps
Logo Windows [+] ELaunch Windows Explorer Window
Logo Windows [+] LLock PC and go to lock screen
Logo Windows [+] TCycle through icons on taskbar (press Enter to launch app)
Logo Windows [+] XShow Advanced Windows Settings Menu
Logo Windows [+] ELaunch Windows Explorer Window
Logo Windows [+] Page DownMoves Start screen and apps to secondary monitor on the right
Logo Windows [+] MMinimize all Windows
Logo Windows [+] Shift + MRestore all minimized Windows
Logo Windows [+] ROpen Run dialog box
Logo Windows [+] Up ArrowMaximize current window
Logo Windows [+] Down ArrowMinimize current window
Logo Windows [+] Left ArrowMaximize current window to left side of the screen
Logo Windows [+] Right ArrowMaximize current window to right side of the screen
Ctrl [+] Shift [+] EscapeOpen Task Manager
Logo Windows [+] Print ScreenTakes a Print Screen and saves it to your Pictures folder
Logo Windows [+] Page UpMoves Start screen and apps to secondary monitor on the left
Logo Windows [+] Pause BreakDisplay System Properties
Shift [+] DeletePermanently delete files without sending it to Recycle Bin
Logo Windows [+] F1Open Windows Help and Support
Logo Windows [+] VCycle through notifications
Logo Windows [+] Shift + VCycle through notifications in reverse order
Logo Windows [+] 0 to 9Launch/show app pinned to taskbar at indicated number
Logo Windows [+] Shift + 0 to 9Launch new instance of app pinned to taskbar at indicated number
Alt + EnterDisplay Properties of selected item in File Explorer
Alt [+] Up ArrowView upper level folder of current folder in File Explorer
Alt [+] Right ArrowView next folder in File Explorer
Alt [+] Left ArrowView previous folder in File Explorer
Logo Windows [+] PChoose secondary display modes
Logo Windows [+] UOpen Ease of Access Center
Alt [+] Print ScreenPrint Screen focused Window only
Logo Windows [+] SpacebarSwitch input language and keyboard layout
Logo Windows [+] Shift + SpacebarSwitch to previous input language and keyboard layout
Logo Windows [+] EnterOpen Narrator
Logo Windows [+] +Zoom in using Magnifier
Logo Windows [+] -Zoom out using Magnifier
Logo Windows [+] EscapeExit Magnifier

Kalau menurut saya sendiri, menggunakan shortcut jauh lebih cepat dibanding mengklik menu menggunakan mouse. Namun kendalanya, kita mesti menghapal shortcut itu. Sebenarnya cara paling mudah untuk menghapal shortcut ya dengan cara mempraktekkannya. Sebagaimana kita mempraktekkan CTRL + C (Copy), CTRL + V (Paste), CTRL + Z (Undo), dan beberapa fungsi shortcut pada windows 8 atau versi sebelumnya yang sering kita gunakan ketika mengetik di Microsoft Word.

via Tips dan Trik, Hobi, Unik, Dunia Wanita

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